MTC Resolution Nos. 4584, Revised, and 4596-4602. Allocation of $379 million in Regional Measure 3 (RM3) capital funds to ACTC, SMCTA, STA, and VTA
Recommended allocation of a total $379 million in RM3 capital funds to Alameda County Transportation Commission (Bay Area Corridor Express Lanes: I-680 Southbound Express Lane from State Route (SR) 84 to Alcosta Blvd.; Goods Movement and Mitigation: 7th Street Grade Separation East; Interstate 680/ Interstate 880/ Route 262 Freeway Connector; Interstate 680/ State Route 84 Interchange Reconstruction Project), San Mateo County Transportation Authority (Highway 101/ State Route 92 Interchange: 101/92 Direct Connector Project), Solano Transportation Authority (North Bay Transit Access Improvements: Solano Rail Hub; State Route 37 Improvements: State Route 37 and Fairgrounds Drive Interchange), and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (Eastridge to BART Regional Connector).