375 Beale Street  
Suite 700  
San Francisco, California  
Meeting Minutes - Final  
ABAG Finance Committee  
Chair, David Rabbitt, Supervisor, County of Sonoma  
Vice Chair, Pat Eklund, Councilmember, City of Novato  
Thursday, November 16, 2023  
5:00 PM  
Board Room - 1st Floor  
Susan Hollingsworth Adams, Candace Andersen, Jesse Arreguin,  
Pat Eklund, David Rabbitt, Belia Ramos, Carlos Romero  
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance / Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
Chair Rabbitt called the meeting to order at about 5:04 p.m. Quorum was  
6 - Hollingsworth-Adams, Arreguin, Eklund, Rabbitt, Ramos, and Romero  
1 - Andersen  
2. Public Comment  
3. Committee Member Announcements  
4. Chair's Report  
ABAG Finance Committee Chair’s Report of November 16, 2023  
5. Consent Calendar  
Upon the motion by Ramos and second by Romero, the ABAG Finance  
Committee approved the Consent Calendar. The motion passed unanimously by  
the following vote:  
6 - Hollingsworth-Adams, Arreguin, Eklund, Rabbitt, Ramos, and Romero  
1 - Andersen  
Approval of ABAG Finance Committee Minutes of September 21, 2023  
Report on ABAG Investments for period ended September 30, 2023  
6. ABAG Financial Statements  
Report on the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Financial  
Statements and Accompanying Reports for Fiscal Year 2022-2023  
Grace Martinez and Kathy Lai gave the report.  
Upon the motion by Ramos and second by Romero, the ABAG Finance  
Committee accepted the staff report and recommended ABAG Executive Board  
acceptance of the Financial Statements and Accompanying Reports for Fiscal  
Year 2022-23 and the reappointment of the firm Crowe LLP for the Fiscal year  
2023-24 annual external audit. The motion passed unanimously by the following  
6 - Hollingsworth-Adams, Arreguin, Eklund, Rabbitt, Ramos, and Romero  
1 - Andersen  
7. ABAG Statement of Revenues and Expenses  
Report on Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Association of Bay Area Governments  
(ABAG) Statement of Revenues and Expenses for the period ended  
September 30, 2023 (Unaudited)  
Grace Martinezx gave the report.  
8. San Francisco Bay Trail Financial Statements  
Report on the San Francisco Bay Trail Financial Statements for the year  
ended June 30, 2023 (Unaudited)  
Derek Hansel gave the report.  
Upon the motion by Romero and second by Ramos, the ABAG Finance  
Committee accepted the staff report and recommended ABAG Executive Board  
acceptance of the San Francisco Bay Trail Financial Statements for Fiscal Year  
Ended June 30, 2023 (Unaudited). The motion passed unanimously by the  
following vote:  
6 - Hollingsworth-Adams, Arreguin, Eklund, Rabbitt, Ramos, and Romero  
1 - Andersen  
9. Operating Budget  
Report on Resolution No. 11-2023, Revised, authorizing the Association of  
Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24  
Operating Budget Amendment for referral to the ABAG Executive Board  
Derek Hansel gave the report.  
Upon the motion by Arreguin and second by Romero, the ABAG Finance  
Committee accepted the staff report and recommended ABAG Executive Board  
adoption of Resolution No. 11-2023, Revised. The motion passed unanimously by  
the following vote:  
6 - Hollingsworth-Adams, Arreguin, Eklund, Rabbitt, Ramos, and Romero  
1 - Andersen  
10. Adjournment / Next Meeting  
Chair Rabbitt adjourned the meeting at about 5:24 p.m. The next regular  
meeting of the ABAG Finance Committee will be announced.