Bay Area Metro Center  
375 Beale Street  
San Francisco, CA 94105  
Meeting Minutes  
Metropolitan Transportation Commission  
Alfredo Pedroza, Chair Nick Josefowitz, Vice Chair  
9:35 AM  
Wednesday, July 26, 2023  
Board Room - 1st Floor  
Chair Pedroza called the meeting to order at 9:38 a.m.  
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen, and Commissioner Thao  
2 - Commissioner Fleming, and Commissioner Spering  
Commissioner Thao arrived during agenda item 3 and Commissioner Papan arrived during agenda  
item 7.  
Non-Voting Commissioners Present: Commissioner Giacopini and Commissioner Schaaf  
Non-Voting Commissioner Absent: Commissioner El-Tawansy  
2. Pledge of Allegiance/ Acknowledgement of the Flag  
3. Compensation Announcement (Clerk)  
4. Chair's Report  
There was nothing to report.  
5. Policy Advisory Council Report  
The Commission received the written report and no verbal report was given  
due to technical difficulties.  
Policy Advisory Council Report  
6. Executive Director's Report  
Andrew Fremier gave the report.  
Executive Director's Report  
7. Commissioner Comments  
8. Consent Calendar  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Chavez and seconded by Commissioner  
Glover, the Commission unanimously approved the Consent Calendar by the  
following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Thao  
2 - Commissioner Fleming and Commissioner Spering  
Approval of Commission Minutes of the June 28, 2023 Meeting  
Commission Approval  
Programming and Allocations Committee  
MTC Resolution No. 4545, Revised. 2023 Transportation Improvement  
Program (TIP) Amendment 2023-15.  
Commission Approval  
Adam Crenshaw  
FY 2022-23 Federal Earmark Repurposing. Potential projects to receive  
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) repurposed earmark funds under  
the earmark repurposing provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act,  
Commission Approval  
Mallory Atkinson  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4202, Revised and 4505, Revised. Various  
revisions to the One Bay Area Grant programs (OBAG 2 and 3), including  
reflecting federal fund source reassignments for projects funded with  
Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act  
(CRRSAA) funds.  
Commission Approval  
Thomas Arndt  
MTC Resolution No. 3620, Revised. Revision to MTC Resolution No.  
3620 to expand Delegated Authority for the Executive Director to approve  
certain allocations and rescissions to include Regional Measure 3 funding.  
Commission Approval  
Raleigh McCoy  
Committee Reports  
9. Programming and Allocations Committee (Chavez)  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4556, Revised; 4570, Revised; 4571, Revised;  
4572, Revised, 4574; and 4588.  
The proposed action revises the FY 2023-24 MTC Fund Estimate,  
allocates Transportation Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance  
(STA), and Regional Measure 2 (RM2) revenues to four transit operators  
and the Transbay Joint Powers Authority to support transit operations, and  
approves the FY 2023-24 State of Good Repair (SGR) Program project  
Commission Approval  
Terence Lee  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Chavez and seconded by Commissioner  
Abe-Koga, the Commission unanimously adopted MTC Resolution Nos. 4556,  
Revised; 4570, Revised; 4571, Revised; 4572, Revised, 4574; and 4588. The motion  
carried by the following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Thao  
2 - Commissioner Fleming and Commissioner Spering  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4584, Revised, and 4596-4602. Allocation of $379  
million in Regional Measure 3 (RM3) capital funds to ACTC, SMCTA, STA,  
and VTA  
Recommended allocation of a total $379 million in RM3 capital funds to  
Alameda County Transportation Commission (Bay Area Corridor Express  
Lanes: I-680 Southbound Express Lane from State Route (SR) 84 to  
Alcosta Blvd.; Goods Movement and Mitigation: 7th Street Grade  
Separation East; Interstate 680/ Interstate 880/ Route 262 Freeway  
Connector; Interstate 680/ State Route 84 Interchange Reconstruction  
Project), San Mateo County Transportation Authority (Highway 101/ State  
Route 92 Interchange: 101/92 Direct Connector Project), Solano  
Transportation Authority (North Bay Transit Access Improvements: Solano  
Rail Hub; State Route 37 Improvements: State Route 37 and Fairgrounds  
Drive Interchange), and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority  
(Eastridge to BART Regional Connector).  
Commission Approval  
Craig Bosman  
Written correspondence was received as follows: joint letter of support from  
VTA (MTC Commissioners Chavez, Mahan, and Age-Koga) and joint letter  
of support from Working Partners USA, LUNA, and Latina Coalition of  
Silicon Valley.  
The following members of the public were called to speak: Patrick  
McGarrity (Santa Clara County), Peter Ortiz (City of San Jose  
Councilmember), Jaime Alvarado, Huascar Castro (Working Partnerships  
USA), Amiel Leano Atanacio (Enterprise Community Partners), Gabriela  
Chavez-Lopez (Latina Coalition of Santa Clara Valley), and Domingo  
Candelas (East San Jose Councilmember).  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Chavez and seconded by Commissioner  
Mahan, the Commission unanimously adopted MTC Resolution Nos. 4584,  
Revised, and 4596 through 4602. The motion carried by the following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Thao  
2 - Commissioner Fleming and Commissioner Spering  
10. Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee (Canepa)  
Assembly Bill 1085 (Maienschein): Housing Support Services  
Adds housing support services as a new Medi-Cal benefit for enrollees  
experiencing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless to stabilize  
their housing situation.  
Support / ABAG Executive Board Approval  
Support / MTC Commission Approval  
Georgia Gann Dohrmann  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Canepa and seconded by Commissioner  
Chavez, the Commission unanimously approved a support position for Assembly  
Bill 1085. The motion carried by the following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Thao  
2 - Commissioner Fleming and Commissioner Spering  
11. Public Comment / Other Business  
12. Adjournment / Next Meetings:  
The next meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission is scheduled to be  
held at 9:35 a.m. on Wednesday, September 27, 2023. Any changes to the schedule  
will be duly noticed to the public.