MTC Resolution Nos. 4584, Revised, and 4596-4602. Allocation of $379
million in Regional Measure 3 (RM3) capital funds to ACTC, SMCTA, STA,
and VTA
Recommended allocation of a total $379 million in RM3 capital funds to
Alameda County Transportation Commission (Bay Area Corridor Express
Lanes: I-680 Southbound Express Lane from State Route (SR) 84 to
Alcosta Blvd.; Goods Movement and Mitigation: 7th Street Grade
Separation East; Interstate 680/ Interstate 880/ Route 262 Freeway
Connector; Interstate 680/ State Route 84 Interchange Reconstruction
Project), San Mateo County Transportation Authority (Highway 101/ State
Route 92 Interchange: 101/92 Direct Connector Project), Solano
Transportation Authority (North Bay Transit Access Improvements: Solano
Rail Hub; State Route 37 Improvements: State Route 37 and Fairgrounds
Drive Interchange), and Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
(Eastridge to BART Regional Connector).
Commission Approval
Craig Bosman
Written correspondence was received from SPUR, Enterprise Community
Partners, Housing Action Coalition, East Bay for Everyone, Bike East Bay,
350 Bay Area Transportation Committee; and San Jose City
Councilmember Ortiz, San Jose City Councilmember Candeles, and Santa
Clara County Supervisor Arenas.
The following members of the public were called to speak: Jonathan, Peter
Ortiz (San Jose Councilmember), Patrick McGarrity (San Jose County),
Danny Garza, Gabriel Manrique (Luna), Erika Pinto (SPUR), Huascar
Castro (Working Partnerships USA), Mathew Reid (Silicon Valley at
Home), Jordan Grimes (Greenbelt Alliance), and Jessica Zenk (SJDOT).
Upon the motion by Canepa and seconded by Vice Chair Papan, the Committee
unanimously approved the referral of MTC Resolution Nos. 4584, Revised, and
4596 through 4602 to the Commission for approval. The motion carried by the
following vote:
6 -
Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Fleming,
Commissioner Miley, Vice Chair Papan and Canepa
3 - Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Thao