Metropolitan Transportation  
Bay Area Metro Center  
375 Beale Street  
San Francisco, CA 94105  
Meeting Agenda  
Metropolitan Transportation Commission  
Alfredo Pedroza, Chair Nick Josefowitz, Vice Chair  
Monday, August 26, 2024  
9:30 AM  
Board Room - 1st Floor  
Special Meeting  
The Commission will meet jointly with the Transportation Revenue Measure Select Committee  
Meeting attendees may opt to attend in person for public comment and observation at 375  
Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 (Board Room). In-person attendees must adhere to  
posted public health protocols while in the building. The meeting webcast will be available at  
encouraged to participate remotely via Zoom at the following link or phone number.  
Members of the public participating by Zoom wishing to speak should use the “raise hand”  
feature or dial *9. When called upon, unmute yourself or dial *6. In order to get the full Zoom  
experience, please make sure your application is up to date.  
iPhone One-Tap:  
+13052241968,,85926804864# US  
Join by Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) US:  
888 788 0099 (Toll Free) or 877 853 5247 (Toll Free)  
Webinar ID: 859 2680 4864  
International numbers available:  
Detailed instructions on participating via Zoom are available at:  
Members of the public may participate by phone or Zoom or may submit comments by email at by 5:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled meeting date. Please  
include the committee or board meeting name and agenda item number in the subject line.  
Clerk: Brittny Sutherland  
Alfredo Pedroza (Chair), Nick Josefowitz (Vice Chair),  
Margaret Abe-Koga, Eddie Ahn, David Canepa, Cindy Chavez, Carol Dutra-Vernaci,  
Dina El-Tawansy*, Victoria Fleming, Dorene M. Giacopini*, Federal D. Glover,  
Matt Mahan, Nate Miley, Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Sue Noack, Gina Papan,  
David Rabbitt, Hillary Ronen, Libby Schaaf*, James P. Spering, Sheng Thao  
*Non-Voting Members  
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
A quorum of the Commission shall be a majority of its voting members (10).  
2. Chair's Comments  
Welcoming and Framing Remarks  
Chair Jim Spering  
3. Consent Calendar  
Approval of the Transportation Revenue Measure Select Committee  
Minutes of the July 29, 2024 Meeting  
TRM Select Committee Approval  
4. Discussion  
Transportation Revenue Measure Scenarios  
Review of draft scenarios, including revenue sources and amounts,  
expenditure categories, geographic scope, and other attributes. Select  
Committee members will be asked to discuss and provide input to further  
refine the scenarios.  
Stuart Cohen, SC Strategies  
Next Steps on Policy  
Select Committee members will be asked for input on policy components  
that may be considered as part of the revenue measure, to be brought to  
the September meeting for more in-depth discussion.  
Stuart Cohen, SC Strategies  
5. Public Comment / Other Business  
Commissioners and members of the public participating by Zoom wishing to speak  
should use the “raise hand” feature or dial *9. When called upon, unmute yourself or dial  
Public Comment  
6. Adjournment / Next Meetings  
The next meeting of the Transportation Revenue Measure Select Committee is  
scheduled to be held at 9:30am on September 23, 2024 at the Bay Area Metro  
Center, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA 94105, unless duly noticed to the public.