375 Beale Street
Suite 700
San Francisco, California
Meeting Agenda - Final-revised
ABAG Executive Board
President, Belia Ramos, Supervisor, County of Napa
Vice President, Jesse Arreguin, Mayor, City of Berkeley
Immediate Pst Prs, David Rabbitt, Supervisor, County of Sonoma
Thursday, May 16, 2024
5:10 PM
Board Room - 1st Floor
Association of Bay Area Governments
Executive Board Meeting No. 495
The ABAG Executive Board is scheduled to meet at 5:10 p.m., or immediately after the
preceding ACFA Governing Board meeting.
This meeting shall consist of a simultaneous teleconference call at the following location(s):
City of Oakland, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Hearing Room 2, 1st Floor,
Oakland, California 94612
Office of Supervisor Andersen, 3338 Mt. Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549
City of San Jose, 200 E. Santa Clara Street, City Manager’s Conference Room, 17th Floor,
Room #1734, San Jose, CA 95113
County of Marin, 3501 Civic Center Drive, Suite 324A, San Rafael, CA 94903
3089 Potrero Way, Fairfield, California 94534
Meeting attendees may opt to attend in person for public comment and observation at
375 Beale Street, Board Room (1st Floor), San Francisco, California. In-person attendees
must adhere to posted public health protocols while in the building. The meeting webcast
are encouraged to participate remotely via Zoom at the following link or phone number.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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Webinar ID: 875 4481 0861