375 Beale Street
Suite 700
San Francisco, California
Meeting Agenda - Final
ABAG Executive Board
President, Belia Ramos, Supervisor, County of Napa
Vice President, Jesse Arreguin, Mayor, City of Berkeley
Immediate Pst Prs, David Rabbitt, Supervisor, County of Sonoma
Thursday, April 18, 2024
5:00 PM
Board Room - 1st Floor
Association of Bay Area Governments
Executive Board Meeting No. 494
The ABAG Executive Board is scheduled to meet at 5:00 p.m.
This meeting shall consist of a simultaneous teleconference call at the following location(s):
City of Oakland, 1 Frank Ogawa Plaza, Hearing Room 2, 1st Floor,
Oakland, California 94612
County of Solano, 675 Texas Street, Ste 6500, Fairfield, CA 94585
County of Contra Costa, 309 Diablo Road, Danville, CA 94526
Hayward City Hall, 777 B Street, Room 2B, Hayward, CA
112 Trellis Drive, Front Porch, San Rafael, CA 94903
Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG), 1415 L Street, Suite 30,
Sacramento, CA 95814
Meeting attendees may opt to attend in person for public comment and observation at
375 Beale Street, Board Room (1st Floor), San Francisco, California. In-person attendees
must adhere to posted public health protocols while in the building. The meeting webcast
are encouraged to participate remotely via Zoom at the following link or phone number.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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Webinar ID: 875 3491 3127