Public Comment: The public is encouraged to comment on agenda items at Committee
meetings by completing a request-to-speak card (available from staff) and passing it to the
Committee secretary.
Public comment may be limited by any of the procedures set forth in
Section 3.09 of MTC's Procedures Manual (Resolution No. 1058, Revised) if, in the chair's
judgment, it is necessary to maintain the orderly flow of business.
Meeting Conduct: If this meeting is willfully interrupted or disrupted by one or more persons
rendering orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible, the Chair may order the removal of
individuals who are willfully disrupting the meeting. Such individuals may be arrested. If order
cannot be restored by such removal, the members of the Committee may direct that the meeting
room be cleared (except for representatives of the press or other news media not participating in
the disturbance), and the session may continue.
Record of Meeting: Committee meetings are recorded. Copies of recordings are available at a
nominal charge, or recordings may be listened to at MTC offices by appointment. Audiocasts are
maintained on MTC's Web site ( for public review for at least one year.
Accessibility and Title VI: MTC provides services/accommodations upon request to persons
with disabilities and individuals who are limited-English proficient who wish to address
Commission matters. For accommodations or translations assistance, please call 415.778.6757 or
415.778.6769 for TDD/TTY. We require three working days' notice to accommodate your request.
Acceso y el Titulo VI: La MTC puede proveer asistencia/facilitar la comunicación a las
personas discapacitadas y los individuos con conocimiento limitado del inglés quienes quieran
dirigirse a la Comisión. Para solicitar asistencia, por favor llame al número 415.778.6757 o al
415.778.6769 para TDD/TTY. Requerimos que solicite asistencia con tres días hábiles de
anticipación para poderle proveer asistencia.
Attachments are sent to Committee members, key staff and others as appropriate. Copies will be
available at the meeting.
All items on the agenda are subject to action and/or change by the Committee. Actions
recommended by staff are subject to change by the Committee.
MTC's Chair and Vice-Chair are ex-officio voting members of all standing Committees.