Authorization to negotiate and enter into Bay Area Regional Energy
Network (BayREN) contracts for a cumulative total amount not to exceed
$91,591,970 to provide services for BayREN, including administration,
marketing, implementation, and incentives with the following nine (9)
member agencies in the amount following each agency Energy Council, on
behalf of Alameda County jurisdictions, $38,410,603; County of Contra
Costa, $1,235,996; County of Marin, $1,121,441; County of Napa,
$1,056,770; City and County of San Francisco, $35,859,790; County of
San Mateo, $1,527,754; County of Santa Clara, $1,727,358; County of
Solano, $1,978,618; and, Regional Climate Protection Authority, on behalf
of Sonoma County jurisdictions, $8,673,640.
ABAG Administrative Committee Approval
Jane Elias
Authorization to negotiate and enter into Bay Area Regional Energy
Network (BayREN) contract amendments for a cumulative total amount not
to exceed $12,335,000 to provide services for BayREN including
administration, marketing, implementation, incentives, and regulatory
support with the following eight (8) third-party consultants in the amount
following each consultant: CLEAResult Consulting, Inc., $3,250,000;
Collective Strategies Consulting LLC, $150,000; Frontier Energy, Inc.,
$25,000; Law Offices of Elizabeth Kelly, $200,000; M. Cubed, $100,000;
Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, $8,040,000; The Energy Coalition,
$250,000; The Regents of the University of California, $120,000.
ABAG Administrative Committee Approval
Jane Elias