Authorize the Executive Director or designee to enter into a Memorandum
of Understanding (MOU) with the four voting member agencies and the
three non-voting partner agencies of the Bay Area Regional Collaborative
(BARC) to coordinate efforts to address the threats of flooding and sea
level rise in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Upon the motion by Eklund and seconded by Hedges, Agenda Item 7b. was
approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
20 -
Hollingsworth-Adams, Andersen, Arreguin, Bas, Carlson, Corzo, Eklund,
Martinez-Beltran, Moy, Rabbitt, Romero, Sackett, Silva, Tiedemann, Williams,
Gluckstein, Tanner, Toms, Jimenez, and Hedges
18 -
Breed, Cohen, Ellenberg, Fife, Fligor, Garcia, Hillis, Kamei, Lee, Mandelman,
Marquez, Miley, Motoyama, Mueller, Nagales, Ortiz, Ramos, and Reid
8. Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee Report
Report on Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee Meetings of June 14,
2024 and July 12, 2024
Assembly Bill 598 (Wicks): Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA)
Upon the motion by Carlson and seconded by Hedges, Agenda Item 8b was
approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
21 -
Hollingsworth-Adams, Andersen, Arreguin, Bas, Carlson, Corzo, Eklund, Fligor,
Martinez-Beltran, Moy, Rabbitt, Romero, Sackett, Silva, Tiedemann, Williams,
Gluckstein, Tanner, Toms, Jimenez, and Hedges
17 -
Breed, Cohen, Ellenberg, Fife, Garcia, Hillis, Kamei, Lee, Mandelman, Marquez,
Miley, Motoyama, Mueller, Nagales, Ortiz, Ramos, and Reid
9. Plan Bay Area 2050+ Draft Blueprint
Presentation and Update on Plan Bay Area 2050+, including draft Blueprint
strategies and key performance and equity findings, prior to late summer
2024 public and stakeholder engagement
The following individuals spoke on this Item:
Ken Bukowski
10. Adjournment / Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the ABAG Executive Board is on September 19, 2024.