Metropolitan Transportation  
Bay Area Metro Center  
375 Beale Street  
San Francisco, CA 94105  
Meeting Agenda  
Programming and Allocations Committee  
Committee Members:  
David Rabbitt, Chair Gina Papan, Vice Chair  
Margaret Abe-Koga, Cindy Chavez, Federal D. Glover, Nate  
Miley, Hillary Ronen, Amy R. Worth  
Non-Voting Member: Dina El-Tawansy  
Wednesday, September 14, 2022  
9:45 AM  
The Programming and Allocations Committee is scheduled to meet on Wednesday, September  
14, 2022 at 9:45 a.m. or immediately following the 9:40 a.m. Administration Committee meeting,  
in the Bay Area Metro Center (Remotely). In light of Governor Newsom’s State of Emergency  
declaration regarding COVID-19 and in accordance with the recently signed Assembly Bill 361  
allowing remote meetings, this meeting will be accessible via webcast, teleconference, and  
Zoom for all participants. A Zoom panelist link for meeting participants will be sent separately  
to committee, commission, or board members.  
The meeting webcast will be available at  
Members of the public are encouraged to participate remotely via Zoom at the following link or  
phone number:  
Or iPhone one-tap: US: +13462487799,,88367689936# or +17193594580,,88367689936#  
Or Join by Telephone: (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location) US:  
+1 408 638 0968 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or  
+1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 301 715 8592 or  
877 853 5247 (Toll Free) or 888 788 0099 (Toll Free)  
Webinar ID: 883 6768 9936  
Detailed instructions on participating via Zoom are available at:  
and members of the public participating by Zoom wishing to speak should use the “raise hand”  
feature or dial "*9". In order to get the full Zoom experience, please make sure your  
application is up to date.  
Members of the public may participate by phone or Zoom or may submit comments by email at by 5:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled meeting date. Please  
include the committee or board meeting name in the subject line. Due to the current  
circumstances there may be limited opportunity to address comments during the meeting. All  
comments received will be submitted into the record.  
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
Quorum: A quorum of this committee shall be a majority of its regular non-ex-officio  
voting members (5).  
2. Consent Calendar  
Minutes of July 13, 2022 meeting  
Committee Approval  
MTC Resolution No. 4475, Revised. 2021 Transportation Improvement  
Program (TIP) Amendment 2021-26.  
Commission Approval  
Adam Crenshaw  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4522, Revised 4523, Revised and 4524, Revised,  
and 4528. Allocation of $172 million in FY 2022-23 Transportation  
Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance (STA), Regional  
Measure 2 (RM2), 5% Unrestricted State, and 2% Bridge Toll funds to six  
operators and MTC to support transit operations and capital projects in the  
Commission Approval  
Kenji Anzai  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4035, Revised and 4202, Revised. Revisions to the  
One Bay Area Grant programs (OBAG 1 and 2), including extending  
obligation deadlines for the OBAG 2 County and Safe & Seamless Mobility  
Quick-Strike Programs.  
Commission Approval  
Thomas Arndt  
MTC Resolution No. 4534, Revised. Amendment to Regional Program of  
Nominations for Senate Bill 1 Trade Corridor Enhancement Program.  
Commission Approval  
Kenneth Kao  
FY 2021-22 Federal Earmark Repurposing. Federal Highway  
Administration (FHWA) repurposed earmark funds under the earmark  
repurposing provision of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2022.  
Mallory Atkinson  
3. Federal  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4444, Revised, 4510, Revised, 4513, Revised, and  
4169, Revised. Transit Capital Priorities Policy and Program FY2021-22 -  
Update of Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) Process and Criteria and  
programming of $42.3 million in in the TCP program; including $40.0  
million in FTA Formula Revenue funding for FYs 2021-22 through 2023-24,  
for transit operator state-of-good-repair consistent with the TCP Process  
and Criteria and additional programming of $2.3 million in AB 664 Bridge  
Tolls; a correction to the BATA Project Savings program; and discussion of  
financing against future FTA revenues.  
Commission Approval  
Margaret Doyle  
MTC Resolution No. 4505, Revised.  
Revisions to the One Bay Area Grant program (OBAG 3), including  
programming $103 million in OBAG 3 Regional Program funds..  
Commission Approval  
Mallory Atkinson  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4544 and 4545. Adoption of the 2023 Transportation  
Improvement Program (TIP) and Transportation Air Quality Conformity  
Analysis for Plan Bay Area 2050 (Plan) and the 2023 TIP.  
The federally required TIP is a comprehensive listing of all Bay Area  
surface transportation projects that receive federal funds, are subject to a  
federally required action or are regionally significant for air quality  
conformity purposes. MTC is required to make a positive air quality  
conformity determination for the TIP and Plan in accordance with EPA’s  
transportation conformity regulations and MTC’s Bay Area Air Quality  
Conformity Procedures.  
Commission Approval  
Adam Crenshaw  
4. Regional  
MTC Resolution No. 4504, Revised. FY 2022-23 MTC Fund Estimate  
Updates the FY 2022-23 MTC Fund Estimate to incorporate actual FY  
2021-22 revenue for the State Transit Assistance (STA) and State of Good  
Repair (SGR) programs and revises FY 2022-23 revenue estimates.  
Commission Approval  
William Bacon  
5. Information  
California Transportation Commission (CTC) and State Funding Programs  
Staff will provide an update on the CTC’s meeting of August 17-18, 2022  
and state funding programs under the CTC’s purview.  
Kenneth Kao  
6. Public Comment / Other Business  
7. Adjournment / Next Meeting  
The next meeting of the Programming and Allocations Committee is scheduled to be  
held on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. Any changes to the schedule will be duly  
noticed to the public.  
Public Comment: The public is encouraged to comment on agenda items at Committee meetings  
by completing a request-to-speak card (available from staff) and passing it to the Committee secretary.  
Public comment may be limited by any of the procedures set forth in Section 3.09 of MTC's Procedures  
Manual (Resolution No. 1058, Revised) if, in the chair's judgment, it is necessary to maintain the orderly  
flow of business.  
Meeting Conduct: If this meeting is willfully interrupted or disrupted by one or more persons  
rendering orderly conduct of the meeting unfeasible, the Chair may order the removal of individuals who  
are willfully disrupting the meeting. Such individuals may be arrested. If order cannot be restored by  
such removal, the members of the Committee may direct that the meeting room be cleared (except for  
representatives of the press or other news media not participating in the disturbance), and the session  
may continue.  
Record of Meeting: Committee meetings are recorded. Copies of recordings are available at a  
nominal charge, or recordings may be listened to at MTC offices by appointment. Audiocasts are  
maintained on MTC's Web site ( for public review for at least one year.  
Accessibility and Title VI: MTC provides services/accommodations upon request to persons with  
disabilities and individuals who are limited-English proficient who wish to address Commission matters.  
For accommodations or translations assistance, please call 415.778.6757 or 415.778.6769 for  
TDD/TTY. We require three working days' notice to accommodate your request.  
Acceso y el Titulo VI: La MTC puede proveer asistencia/facilitar la comunicación a las personas  
discapacitadas y los individuos con conocimiento limitado del inglés quienes quieran dirigirse a la  
Comisión. Para solicitar asistencia, por favor llame al número 415.778.6757 o al 415.778.6769 para  
TDD/TTY. Requerimos que solicite asistencia con tres días hábiles de anticipación para poderle  
proveer asistencia.  
Attachments are sent to Committee members, key staff and others as appropriate. Copies will be  
available at the meeting.  
All items on the agenda are subject to action and/or change by the Committee. Actions recommended  
by staff are subject to change by the Committee.  
MTC's Chair and Vice-Chair are ex-officio voting members of all standing Committees.