Bay Area Metro Center  
375 Beale Street  
Suite 700  
San Francisco, CA 94105  
Meeting Agenda - Final  
ABAG POWER Board of Directors  
Chair, Doug Williams, City of Santa Rosa  
Vice Chair, Vacant  
Thursday, October 24, 2024  
11:00 AM  
Yerba Buena - 1st Floor (REMOTE)  
ABAG Publicly Owned Energy Resources  
Board of Directors  
Meeting No. 2024-01  
This meeting shall consist of a simultaneous teleconference call at the following locations:  
County of San Mateo, 5th Floor Room, 555 County Center Drive, Redwood City, CA 94063  
Cupertino City Hall, Emergency Operations Center, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino CA 95014  
Half Moon Bay City Hall, Conference Room, 501 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019  
King City Union School District, Administration Office, 104 S. Vanderhurst Avenue, King City,  
CA 93930  
Milpitas City Hall, Committee Conference Room, 455 East Calaveras Boulevard, Milpitas,  
CA 95035  
Salinas City Hall, Public Works Conference Room, 200 Church Street, Salinas, CA 93901  
Santa Cruz City Schools, Assistant Superintendent of Business Office, 133 Mission Street,  
Suite 100, Santa Cruz, CA 95060  
Meeting attendees may opt to attend in person for public comment and observation at  
375 Beale Street, Yerba Buena Conference Room (1st Floor). In-person attendees must  
adhere to posted public health protocols while in the building. The meeting webcast will be  
remotely via Zoom at the following link or phone number.  
Or One tap mobile:  
+16694449171,,89698315094# US  
+16699006833,,89698315094# US (San Jose)  
Join by Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):  
888 788 0099 US Toll Free  
833 548 0282 US Toll Free  
Webinar ID: 896 9831 5094  
Members of the public participating by Zoom wishing to speak should use the “raise hand”  
feature or dial *9. When called upon, unmute yourself or dial *6. In order to get the full Zoom  
experience, please make sure your application is up to date. Detailed instructions on  
participating via Zoom are available at:  
Members of the public may participate by phone or Zoom or may submit comments by email at by 5:00 p.m. the day before the scheduled meeting date. Please  
include the committee or board meeting name and agenda item number in the subject line. All  
comments received will be submitted into the record.  
Clerk: Cindy Chen  
Erin Smith, City of Alameda  
Mark Hurley, City of Albany  
George Rodericks, Town of Atherton  
Danielle Bonham, City of Benicia  
Thomas Flanagan, Butte County Office of Education  
Shelly Viramontez, Campbell Union School District  
Kristi Britton, Ceres Unified School District  
Scott Lantsberger, Colusa Unified School District  
Brendan Havenar-Daughton, County of Contra Costa  
Victoria Morin, City of Cupertino  
Chris Jew, Cupertino Union School District  
Paul Ziegler, Eureka City Schools  
Dan Schoenholz, City of Fremont  
Daniel Hillman, Fremont Unified School District  
Lauren DePaschalis, Golden Gate Bridge Highway and Transportation District  
Carmen Gil, City of Gonzales  
Lisa Rossi, City of Half Moon Bay  
Mike Robers, City of Hercules  
Josie Peterson, Jefferson Elementary School District  
Joannie Lumbra, King City Union School District  
Gabe Engeland, City of Los Altos  
Trevor Atashkarian, City of Mill Valley  
Sam Bautista, City of Millbrae  
Elaine Marshall, City of Milpitas  
Steve Leonardis, City of Monte Sereno  
Katie Bruner, Town of Moraga  
Steve Lederer, County of Napa  
Daniel Hamilton, City of Oakland  
David Biggs, City of Orinda  
Yulia Carter, City of Pacifica  
Patrick Carter, City of Petaluma  
Martin Fregoso, Placer County Office of Education  
Aarón Zavala, City of Pleasanton  
Samantha Carr, City of Richmond  
Arturo Martinez, Riverbank School District  
Jeff Condit, City of Salinas  
Steven Machida, City of San Carlos  
Gary Behrens, County of San Mateo  
April Miller, City of San Rafael  
Brad Vance, County of Santa Clara  
Michal Healy, Santa Clara Unified School District  
Jimmy Monreal, Santa Cruz City Schools  
Doug Williams, City of Santa Rosa  
Thomas Scott, City of Saratoga  
Barney Gordon, Turlock Unified School District  
Bob Calderon, City of Union City  
Oscar Alcantar, City of Vallejo  
Mark Tomko, Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District  
Gabriel Gordo, City of Watsonville  
Sandra Ayon, Williams Unified School District  
Jeremy Craig, City of Winters  
Matthew Juchniewicz, Yolo County Office of Education  
1. Welcome / Call to Order  
Doug Williams, Chair, City of Santa Rosa  
Welcome new ABAG POWER Board Members (16).  
2. Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
Cindy Chen, Clerk of the Board, ABAG/MTC  
Quorum: a quorum of this meeting body shall be 40% (21) of its regular voting members  
3. Public Comment  
The public is encouraged to provide comment at Committee meetings. This public  
comment period is intended for items not agendized.  
4. POWER Updates  
Comments from Outgoing POWER President.  
Brad Paul, Deputy Executive Director, LGS, ABAG/MTC  
Introduction of ABAG POWER’s New Principal Program Manager,  
Eyas Abdeen.  
Jane Elias, Director, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
5. Consent Calendar  
Approval of Minutes from December 11, 2023 Board of Directors Special  
ABAG POWER Board Approval  
Eyas Abdeen, Principal Program Manager, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
Approval of Calendar Year 2025 Meeting Schedule.  
ABAG POWER Board Approval  
Eyas Abdeen, Principal Program Manager, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
6. Approval  
Acceptance of ABAG POWER’s Audited Financial Statements and  
Reports for Fiscal Year 2023-24.  
Staff will present for Board acceptance audited financial statements and  
reports for Fiscal Year 2023-24.  
ABAG POWER Board Approval  
Grace Martinez, Director, Fin. Reporting & Op. Accounting, ABAG/MTC  
Kathy Lai, Lead Engagement Partner, Crowe, LLP  
Election of Chair and Vice Chair and Approval of the Executive Committee  
for Calendar Year 2025.  
Board of Directors to elect the Chair and Vice Chair and approve the  
ABAG POWER Executive Committee for Calendar Year 2025.  
ABAG POWER Board Approval  
Doug Williams, Chair, City of Santa Rosa  
7. Information  
ABAG-MTC Agency Energy Services Update.  
Staff will provide an update on the Association of Bay Area Governments  
(ABAG) and Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s (MTC) Energy  
Jane Elias, Director, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
Natural Gas Program Overview.  
Staff will provide an overview of the Natural Gas Program for Fiscal Year  
Eyas Abdeen, Principal Program Manager, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
BayREN Public Programs Presentation.  
BayREN Public Program Leads to present information about current and  
upcoming release of new offerings  
Alyssa Dykman, Project Manager, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
Sean Youra, Project Manager, Energy Section, ABAG/MTC  
8. Other Business  
Committee to provide update on items within member agencies relevant to ABAG  
POWER and/or the ABAG/MTC energy programs.  
9. Adjournment / Next Meeting  
The next meeting is the ABAG POWER Executive Committee Meeting scheduled to be  
held on December 12, 2024.