Bay Area Metro Center  
375 Beale Street  
San Francisco, CA 94105  
Meeting Minutes  
Metropolitan Transportation Commission  
Alfredo Pedroza, Chair Nick Josefowitz, Vice Chair  
Wednesday, January 24, 2024  
9:45 AM  
Board Room - 1st Floor  
Alfredo Pedroza (Chair), Nick Josefowitz (Vice Chair),  
Margaret Abe-Koga, Eddie Ahn, David Canepa, Cindy Chavez, Carol Dutra-Vernaci,  
Dina El-Tawansy*, Victoria Fleming, Dorene M. Giacopini*, Federal D. Glover,  
Matt Mahan, Nate Miley, Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Sue Noack, Gina Papan,  
David Rabbitt, Hillary Ronen, Libby Schaaf*, James P. Spering, Sheng Thao  
*Non-Voting Members  
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen, and Commissioner Spering  
2 - Commissioner Mahan, and Commissioner Thao  
Non-Voting Commissioner Present: Commissioner Giacopini and Commissioner Schaaf  
Non-Voting Commissioners Absent: Commissioner El-Tawansy  
2. Chair's Report  
MTC Resolution No. 4628. Resolution of Appreciation for Leah Zippert on  
the occasion of her retirement from MTC.  
Commission Approval  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Spering and seconded by Commissioner  
Glover, the Commission unanimously adopted MTC Resolution No. 4628. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
2 - Commissioner Mahan and Commissioner Thao  
3. Policy Advisory Council Report  
Policy Advisory Council Report  
Warren Cushman was called to speak.  
4. Executive Director's Report  
Executive Director's Report  
5. Commissioner Comments  
6. Consent Calendar  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Moulton-Peters and seconded by  
Commissioner Chavez, the Commission unanimously approved the Consent  
Calendar by the following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
2 - Commissioner Mahan and Commissioner Thao  
Approval of Commission Minutes of the December 20, 2023 Meeting  
Commission Approval  
MTC Resolution No. 3931, Revised. Policy Advisory Council Appointment  
Commission Approval  
Ky-Nam Miller  
Administration Committee  
MTC Resolution No. 4563, Revised. Reauthorization of MTC Investment  
Commission Approval  
Natalie Perkins  
Programming and Allocations Committee  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4615 and 4585, Revised. Allocation of $34.5 million  
in Regional Measure 3 (RM3) capital funds to San Francisco Municipal  
Transportation Agency (SFMTA) and Contra Costa Transportation  
Authority (CCTA).  
Commission Approval  
Julieth Ortiz  
MTC Resolution No. 4545, Revised. 2023 Transportation Improvement  
Program (TIP) Amendment 2023-25.  
Commission Approval  
John Saelee  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4570, 4571 and 4626 Revised. FY2023-24 Transit  
Development Act (TDA), State Transit Assistance (STA) and Regional  
Measure 3 (RM3) Allocations to the City of Fairfield (FAST), the Transbay  
Joint Powers Authority (TJPA), and Metropolitan Transportation  
Commission (MTC).  
Commission Approval  
Luis Garcia  
MTC Resolution No. 4621. Regional Measure 3 Program Amendments  
A summary of public comments received and recommendation to modify  
five existing projects and reassign $16.7 million in Regional Measure 3  
(RM3) funds, specifically to:  
(i) Redirect $16,700,000 in funds from the Solano County I-80/I-680/SR-12  
Interchange Project (RM3 project #21) to the Solano I-80 Express Lanes  
(Toll System) project - part of the Bay Area Corridor Express Lanes suite of  
projects (under RM3 project #2);  
(ii) Modify scope of Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) project  
(RM3 project #7) to clarify eligibility of the multi-use pathway along SMART  
(iii) Modify scope of Highway 101-Marin/Sonoma Narrows (RM3 project  
#20) to extend the project limits approximately 4.5 miles from Petaluma  
Blvd. South to Petaluma Blvd. North in Petaluma and approximately three  
(3) miles from Atherton Ave. to State Route 37 in Novato; and  
(iv) Add the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) as a joint  
project sponsor to State Route 37 Improvements (RM3 project #23).  
Commission Approval  
Kenneth Kao  
Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee  
Transportation Electrification Initiatives: 2023 Transit Station Public  
Charging Grant Award Recommendations ($10,000,000)  
Approval of $10 million in grants to support the deployment of electric  
vehicle charging infrastructure at Bay Area transit stations as part of MTC’s  
Climate Program transportation electrification investments to advance Plan  
Bay Area 2050.  
MTC Commission Approval  
James Choe  
Committee Report  
7. Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee (Canepa)  
Regional Transportation Revenue Measure Enabling Legislation  
Outline of proposed legislation enabling MTC to place a future regional  
transportation revenue measure on the ballot.  
MTC Commission Approval  
Rebecca Long  
Written correspondence was received from CA Alliance for Jobs, Dorothea  
Beringer, Lindsay Haddix, Kristin Bard, Carl Stein, Darryl Yip, Nina Rizzo,  
Elizabeth Stampe, Ashley Elliott, Molly Lazarus, Joint Coalition, Lian Chikako  
Chang, Marjorie Alvord, Dr. Carol Weed, Staly Chin, and VTA Chairperson  
Chavez and Member Abe-Koga.  
The following members of the public were called to speak: Claudia Burgos (AC  
Transit), Sean McMillan, Emily Loper (Bay Area Council), Manny Leon (CA  
Alliance for Jobs), Charley Lavery (OE3), Sean McGarry (Nor Cal Carpenters  
Union), Josh Arce (Nor CA Laborers), Zack Deutsch-Gross (TransForm), Naomi  
Schiff, Alan, Tommaso Boggia, Jordan Moldow, Scott Mace, Joai-An Truong  
(Mothers OutFront), David Watson, Peter Straus (SF Transit Riders), Emily  
Wheeler (Public Advocates), Warren Cushman, Helen Marie Gordon, Bryan  
Culbertson, Darrell Owens, George Spies, Monique Webster (SFMTA), Carter  
Lavin (TransBay Coalition), Sara Greenwald (350 Bay Area / Voices for  
Transportation), Jordan Burns (Public Transit Advocate), Howard Wong, Hana  
Creger (Greenlight Institute), Chelsey Pruit, Lauren Gularte (WETA), Chance  
Boreczky (East Bay Forever), Cyrus Hall, James Lindsay (Amalgamated Transit  
Union), Hayley Currier (Save the Bay / Voices for Public Transportation), Adina  
Levin (Voices for Public Transportation), Vinay Pimple (MTC Policy Advisory  
Council), Sam Sargent (Caltrain), Ian Hewitt, Krissa Cavouras (SFBicycle  
Coalition), Vinita Goyal (SF Transit Riders), Lauren, Paul Bickmore, Igor Tregub,  
Jose Ahrens, Zani Lanis (Bike East Bay), Zak Accuadi (Natural Resources Defense  
Council), Jonathon Kass (SPUR), Steve Birdlebough (Transportation and Land  
Use Coalition), Mark Sawchuk, Richard Marcantonio (Public Advocates),  
Alexander Hirji, Raj Singh (ATU Local 265), Chris Lee-Egan, Gabriel Goffman,  
Helen Marie Gordon, Shane Weinstein (ATU 1575), Cyndy, Noelani Fixler (WETA),  
Warren Wells (Marin County Bicycle Coalition), Sebastian Petty (SPUR), Bob  
Allen (Voices for Public Transportation Coalition), Mike Swire, Jordan Grimes  
(Greenbelt Alliance), Michelle Gray (ATU Local 1865), Jeff Shaffer (ATU Local  
1277), Martin Munoz, Anthony, and Carol Taylor (GENESIS).  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Canepa and seconded by Commissioner  
Noack, the Commission unanimously approved MTC sponsoring the Regional  
Transportation Revenue Measure Enabling Legislation, as described in  
Attachment B (Summary of Key Provisions) and Attachment C (Vision Statement  
and Focus Areas). The motion carried by the following vote:  
16 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
2 - Commissioner Mahan and Commissioner Thao  
Proposed Final 2024 MTC/ABAG Joint Advocacy Program  
Final 2024 Joint Advocacy Program for MTC and ABAG, expressing the  
agencies’ state and federal legislative priorities.  
ABAG Executive Board Approval  
MTC Commission Approval  
Georgia Gann Dohrmann  
Commissioner Ronen left during agenda item 7b.  
Jordan Moldow was called to speak.  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Rabbitt and seconded by Commissioner  
Canepa, the Commission unanimously approved the Final 2024 MTC/ABAG Joint  
Advocacy Program. The motion carried by the following vote:  
15 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner  
Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner  
Rabbitt and Commissioner Spering  
3 - Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Thao  
8. Commission Information  
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) (California Division) MPO  
Certification Review - Overview of Process  
As part of its quadrennial certification review of Metropolitan Planning  
Organizations (MPOs), USDOT offers opportunities for members of the  
public to offer feedback regarding the metropolitan planning process.  
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) staff will present the certification  
review process.  
Jasmine Amanin (Federal Highway Administration)  
Jane Kramer was called to speak.  
9. Closed Session  
Closed Session Public Comment  
The Commission met in Closed Session, pursuant to Public Employee  
Performance Evaluation Government Code §54957, with respect to the  
Executive Director and the Executive Director’s compensation range of  
non-represented employees. The Executive Director shall not be present  
for discussions on compensation.  
10. Open Session  
The Commission reconvened in Open Session and Chair Pedroza  
announced that there is no reportable action and the item would be  
continued to the March 27 Commission meeting.  
11. Public Comment / Other Business  
Written correspondence was received from Giuliano.  
Jordon Moldow was called to speak.  
Public Comment  
12. Adjournment / Next Meetings:  
The next meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission will be held on  
Wednesday, February 28, 2024 at the Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San  
Francisco, CA.