Bay Area Metro Center  
375 Beale Street  
San Francisco, CA 94105  
Meeting Minutes  
Metropolitan Transportation Commission  
Alfredo Pedroza, Chair Nick Josefowitz, Vice Chair  
9:35 AM  
Wednesday, April 26, 2023  
Board Room - 1st Floor  
Chair Pedroza called the meeting to order at 9:39 a.m.  
1. Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen, and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt, and Commissioner Thao  
Commissioner Miley was absent during Roll Call and arrived during agenda item 5.  
Commissioners Dutra-Vernaci, Moulton-Peters, and Papan were absent during Roll Call and arrived  
during agenda item 8.  
Non-Voting Commissioner Present: Commissioner Giacopini  
Non-Voting Commissioner Absent: Commissioner El-Tawansy  
2. Pledge of Allegiance/ Acknowledgement of the Flag  
3. Compensation Announcement (Clerk)  
4. Joint MTC and BAHFA Consent Calendar  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Canepa and seconded by Commissioner  
Ronen, the Joint MTC and BAHFA Consent Calendar was unanimously approved  
by the following vote:  
11 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Glover,  
Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and  
Commissioner Spering  
7 -  
Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci, Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan,  
Commissioner Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Rabbitt and  
Commissioner Thao  
Minutes of the March 22, 2023 Joint MTC with BAHFA meeting  
Commission / Authority Approval  
Contract - Doorway Housing Portal: Exygy, Inc.  
Authorization to amend the terms of approval of the contract between  
Exygy Inc. (“Consultant”) and BAHFA for web design services for BAHFA’s  
Doorway Housing Portal Pilot (“Project”) for changes to anticipated  
phasing dates in the Scope of Work and minor adjustments to the scope of  
work to be completed in Phases 2 and 3.  
Commission / Authority Approval  
Barry Roeder  
5. Public Comment / Other Business  
Commissioner Miley arrived during agenda item 5.  
6. Adjourn BAHFA and Continue with MTC Agenda  
7. Chair's Report  
Update to Committee Assignments  
Commission Approval  
Chair Pedroza tabled agenda item 7a for future discussion.  
8. Policy Advisory Council Report  
Certificate of Appreciation to Richard W. Hedges for nearly 20 years of  
service to the Policy Advisory Council.  
Randi Kinman and Chair Pedroza  
Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci, Commissioner Moulton-Peters, and  
Commissioner Papan arrived during agenda item 8.  
Adina Levin (Policy Advisory Councilmember) was called to speak.  
9. Executive Director's Report (Fremier)  
Executive Director's Report  
10. Commissioner Comments  
11. Consent Calendar:  
Vice Chair Josefowitz announced his recusal for agenda item 11f and the  
Commission approved the Consent Calendar with the exception of agenda  
item 11f.  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci and seconded by Commissioner  
Glover, the Commission unanimously approved the Consent Calendar by the  
following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
International Travel Request  
Commission Approval  
Administration Committee  
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Resolution No. 4516,  
Revised FY 2022-23 Overall Work Program (OWP) Amendment No. 2  
Commission Approval  
Arleicka Conley  
Programming and Allocations Committee  
MTC Resolution No. 4545, Revised. 2023 Transportation Improvement  
Program (TIP) Amendment 2023-08.  
Commission Approval  
Adam Crenshaw  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4523, Revised and 4524, Revised. Allocation of  
$22.8 million in FY 2022-23 Transportation Development Act (TDA) and  
State Transit Assistance (STA) funds to three operators to support transit  
operations and capital projects in the region.  
Commission Approval  
Luis Garcia  
MTC Resolution Nos. 4202, Revised and 4505, Revised. Various  
revisions to the One Bay Area Grant programs (OBAG 2 and 3), including  
reprogramming $3.65 million in OBAG 2 Regional funds within the  
Connected Bay Area Program and revisions to clarify OBAG 3 County &  
Local Program programming requirements.  
Commission Approval  
Thomas Arndt  
Operations Committee  
Bikeshare Capital Grant Program - Clipper® Requirement  
Commission Approval  
Laura Krull and Toshi Shepard-Ohta  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Spering and seconded by Commissioner  
Glover, the Commission approved the Bikeshare Capital Grant Program -  
Clipper® Requirement. The motion carried by the following vote:  
12 -  
Chair Pedroza, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner Ahn, Commissioner  
Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci, Commissioner  
Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Papan,  
Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee  
Assembly Bill 413 (Lee): Vehicles: Stopping, Standing and Parking Near a  
Prohibits vehicles from stopping, standing or parking within 20 feet of a  
marked crosswalk or intersection to improve visibility of bicyclists and  
Support and Seek Amendment / MTC Commission Approval  
Georgia Gann Dohrmann  
Assembly Bill 463 (Hart): Priority Access to Electricity for Public  
Provides public transportation access to the electric grid during  
Support / MTC Commission Approval  
Georgia Gann Dohrmann  
Committee Reports  
12. Administration Committee (Papan)  
Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC) Resolution No. 4577 -  
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023-24 Overall Work Program (OWP)  
A request that the Committee refer MTC Resolution No. 4577 for  
Commission approval. This resolution guides the FY 2023-24 OWP  
collaborative metropolitan transportation planning process involving MTC,  
the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG), the Federal Highway  
Administration (FHWA), the Federal Transit Administration (FTA),  
Caltrans, and other local transportation partners. The request includes  
authorization for the Executive Director to enter into and execute required  
certifications, assurances, and an Overall Work Program Agreement  
(OWPA) for federal and state transportation planning grants.  
Commission Approval  
Matt Maloney  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Papan and seconded by Commissioner  
Chavez, the Commission unanimously adopted MTC Resolution No. 4577. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
13. Programming and Allocations Committee (Chavez)  
MTC Resolution No. 4510, Revised. Transit Capital Priorities Policy and  
Program FYs 2021-22 - 2023-24  
Update of Transit Capital Priorities (TCP) program; including updates to  
FYs 2021-22 through 2023-24 programming, and amending FY 2022-23  
programming to include updated fixed guideway cap programming and the  
Zero-Emission Bus (ZEB) Infrastructure Set-Aside.  
Commission Approval  
Margaret Doyle  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Chavez and seconded by Commissioner  
Glover, the Commission unanimously adopted MTC Resolution No. 4510, Revised.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
14. Joint MTC ABAG Legislation Committee (Canepa)  
Assembly Bill 645 (Friedman): Speed Safety Pilot Program  
Revised version of legislation MTC supported in 2021 and 2022  
(Assembly Bill (AB) 550 (Chiu, 2021) and AB 2336 (Friedman, 2022)) to  
authorize specified cities to implement five-year pilots to test speed safety  
cameras, under specific circumstances.  
Support / MTC Commission Approval  
Georgia Gann Dohrmann  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Canepa and seconded by Commissioner  
Chavez, the Commission unanimously approved a support position on AB 645  
and directed staff to note in the support letter that many other Bay Area cities  
would like this option too. The motion carried by the following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
Senate Bill 532 (Wiener): Local Ballot Measure Labels  
Provides option for local bonds and other tax measures to provide details  
via the voter guide instead of on the ballot label, with transparency  
Ratify Support / MTC Commission Affirmation  
Julie Snyder  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Canepa and seconded by Commissioner  
Chavez, the Commission unanimously approved a support position on SB 532.  
The motion carried by the following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
15. Commission Approval  
Transit Fiscal Cliff Recovery Program: Proposed Funding Advocacy  
Staff recommendation for funding sources and overall advocacy approach  
to addressing the transit fiscal cliff and supporting investment in  
rider-focused enhancements to attract new riders.  
Commission Approval  
Rebecca Long  
Written correspondence was received from Senator Scott Wiener.  
The following members of the public were called to speak:Manny Leon (CA  
Alliance for Jobs), Adina Levin (Policy Advisory Council), Jane Kramer,  
Eugene Bradley, Sebastian Petty (SPUR), Monique Webster (SFMTA),  
Aaron Quigley (Santa Clara VTA), Bob Allen (Urban Habitat), Laura Hill  
(Bay Area Council), Amy Thompson (TransForm), Kiana Valentine  
(Transportation CA), Howard Wong, ATU 1277 Representative, and Shane  
Weinstein (ATU Local 1575).  
Upon the motion by Vice Chair Josefowitz and seconded by Commissioner  
Ronen, the Commission unanimously approved the Transit Fiscal Cliff Proposed  
Advocacy Framework. The motion carried by the following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Noack,  
Commissioner Rabbitt and Commissioner Thao  
16. Public Comment / Other Business  
Aleta Dupree was called to speak.  
17. Adjournment / Next Meetings:  
The next meeting of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission is scheduled to be  
held at 9:35 a.m. on Wednesday, May 24, 2023. Any changes to the schedule will be  
duly noticed to the public.