5. Approval
Contract - Express Lanes Program Advisor: William R. Gray and
Company, DBA Gray-Bowen-Scott (Gray-Bowen-Scott) ($8,487,000 plus a
contingency of $1,500,000)
Request for Committee approval to award a contract to Gray-Bowen-Scott
to provide express lanes program advisor services, including support for
planning, policy, implementation, and operation of BAIFA’s Express Lanes
Network as well as for planning and coordination on regional express lanes
matters. The contract would be for a term of three years and four months for
a total amount not to exceed $8,487,000 plus a contingency of $1,500,000,
subject to annual BAIFA budget approval, with an option to extend up to an
additional three years in increments of BAIFA’s choosing.
Committee Approval
Stephen Wolf
Upon the motion by Commissioner Spering and second by Commissioner
Canepa, the Contract for Express Lanes Program Advisor: William R. Gray and
Company, DBA Gray-Bowen-Scott for an amount not to exceed $8,487,000 plus a
contingency of $1,500,000 was unanimously approved. The motion carried by the
following vote:
4 -
Chair Dutra-Vernaci, Vice Chair Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Canepa and
Commissioner Spering
2 - Commissioner Noack and Commissioner Rabbitt
6. Public Comment / Other Business
7. Adjournment / Next Meeting
The next meeting of the Bay Area Infrastructure Financing Authority Network and
Operations Committee will be held on Friday, March 8, 2024 at 9:35 a.m. at the Bay
Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San Francisco, CA. Any changes to the
schedule will be duly noticed to the public.