375 Beale Street  
Suite 800  
San Francisco, California  
Meeting Minutes  
Bay Area Housing Finance Authority  
Wednesday, June 28, 2023  
9:40 AM  
Board Room - First Floor  
Chair Pedroza called the meeting to order at 10:52 a.m.  
1. Roll Call / Confirm Quorum  
15 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover,  
Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Rabbitt, Commissioner  
Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
3 - Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci and Commissioner Thao  
Non-Voting Commissioners Present: Commissioner Giacopini and Commissioner Schaaf  
Non-Voting Commissioner Absent: Commissioner El-Tawansy  
2. Consent Calendar  
Vice Chair Josefowitz and Commissioner Fleming were absent during the vote  
for the Consent Calendar.  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Chavez and seconded by Commissioner  
Glover, the Authority unanimously approved the Consent Calendar by the  
following vote:  
13 -  
Chair Pedroza, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner Ahn, Commissioner  
Chavez, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley,  
Commissioner Moulton-Peters, Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan,  
Commissioner Rabbitt, Commissioner Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
5 -  
Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci,  
Commissioner Fleming and Commissioner Thao  
Approval of BAHFA Minutes of the May 24, 2023 Meeting  
Authority Approval  
Appointment of Consuelo Hernandez to the Advisory Committee of the Bay  
Area Housing Finance Authority  
Authority Approval  
Kate Hartley  
Recommendation of Authorization of a 16-month contract with Centro  
Legal de la Raza (“Consultant”) in an amount not to exceed $250,000, for  
eviction and legal services research services for the Bay Area Housing  
Finance Authority’s Anti-Displacement Pilot (“Project”)  
Authority Approval  
Kate Hartley  
3. Authority Approval  
BAHFA Resolution No. 0030. BAHFA Rental Assistance Pilot Program  
Approval of Acceptance of $5 million in Metropolitan Transportation  
Commission (MTC) Exchange Funds and Creation of a BAHFA Rental  
Assistance Pilot Program  
Authority Approval  
Kate Hartley  
Vice Chair Josefowitz and Commissioner Fleming returned during agenda item  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Chavez and seconded by Commissioner  
Abe-Koga, the Authority unanimously adopted BAHFA Resolution No. 0030. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
15 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover,  
Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Rabbitt, Commissioner  
Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
3 - Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci and Commissioner Thao  
Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) Resolution No. 29 - Fiscal  
Year (FY) 2023-24 Operating Budget  
Adoption of BAHFA Resolution No. 29 approving the BAHFA FY  
2023-2024 Operating Budget  
Authority Approval  
Derek Hansel  
Upon the motion by Commissioner Glover and seconded by Commissioner  
Chavez, the Authority unanimously adopted BAHFA Resolution No. 29. The  
motion carried by the following vote:  
15 -  
Chair Pedroza, Vice Chair Josefowitz, Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner  
Ahn, Commissioner Chavez, Commissioner Fleming, Commissioner Glover,  
Commissioner Mahan, Commissioner Miley, Commissioner Moulton-Peters,  
Commissioner Noack, Commissioner Papan, Commissioner Rabbitt, Commissioner  
Ronen and Commissioner Spering  
3 - Commissioner Canepa, Commissioner Dutra-Vernaci and Commissioner Thao  
4. Public Comment / Other Business  
5. Adjournment / Next Meeting  
The next meeting of the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority is scheduled to be held  
on Wednesday, July 26, 2023. Any changes to the schedule will be duly noticed to  
the public.