Alfredo Pedroza (Chair), Nick Josefowitz (Vice Chair),
Margaret Abe-Koga, Eddie Ahn, Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, David Canepa,
Dina El-Tawansy*, Victoria Fleming, Dorene M. Giacopini*, Federal D. Glover,
Rebecca Kaplan, Matt Mahan, Nate Miley, Stephanie Moulton-Peters, Sue Noack,
Gina Papan, David Rabbitt, Hillary Ronen, Libby Schaaf*, James P. Spering, Vacant
*Non-Voting Members
1. Call to Order / Roll Call / Confirm Quorum
Quorum: A quorum of this Authority shall be a majority of its regular voting members
2. Chair's Report
3. Consent Calendar
Approval of the Authority Minutes of the November 20, 2024 Meeting
Authority Approval
BAHFA Resolution No. 37. Affordable Housing Preservation Technical
Assistance Grant Program
A request that the Authority adopt BAHFA Resolution No. 37, approving
the expenditure of $325,000 for the Affordable Housing Preservation
Technical Assistance Grant Program that will assist with pre-acquisition
costs to advance the conversion of market-rate housing to permanently
restricted affordable housing.
Authority Approval
Somaya Abdelgany
4. Public Comment / Other Business
Commissioners and members of the public participating by Zoom wishing to speak
should use the “raise hand” feature or dial *9. When called upon, unmute yourself or
dial *6.
5. Adjournment / Next Meeting
The next regular meeting of the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority is
scheduled to be held at the Bay Area Metro Center, 375 Beale Street, San
Francisco on Wednesday, January 22, 2025.