Senate Bill 125 Regional Accountability Measure Progress Update.
Adoption of the framework for the $300 million regional contribution to
complement Senate Bill 125 emergency transit operations funding and an
informational update on the status of large operators’ progress toward
Senate Bill 125 Regional Accountability Measures.
Commission Approval
Raleigh McCoy
Vinay Pimple was called to speak.
Upon motion by Commissioner Glover and seconded by Commissioner Papan,
the Committee unanimously approved referral of Senate Bill 125 Regional
Accountability Measure Progress Update to the Commission for Approval. As part
of the action, staff was asked to follow up at a future date with additional
information on: 1) formalized coordination efforts for transformation /
accountability initiatives such as inter-operator transit schedules and
implementation of BART Fare Gates, 2) ADA accommodations for when
accessibility problems arise (like an elevator is out of order), 3) funding for the
fiscal and how its impact on county programs, and 4) some explanation be
provided on how funds are actually spent. The motion carried the following vote:
5 -
Commissioner Abe-Koga, Commissioner Glover, Commissioner Fleming,
Commissioner Miley and Vice Chair Papan
1 - Commissioner Ronen
4. Information
Housing Element Compliance and Related One Bay Area Grant (OBAG 2
and 3) Policies.
Update on regional Housing Element certifications and implementation of
MTC’s related policies for One Bay Area Grant (OBAG 2 and 3) recipients.
Thomas Arndt and Heather Peters
Written correspondence received by Albert Lopez, Planning Director for
Alameda County Community Development Agency.
Sandi Rivera, Alameda County Community Development Agency; Michael
C. Williams, City of Hayward; and Hector Rojas, Planning Division, City of
Vallejo; and Vinay Pimple were called to speak.
California Transportation Commission (CTC) and State Funding Programs
Update. Update on California Transportation Commission (CTC) and state
funding programs under the CTC’s purview.
Kenneth Kao