Meeting Name: Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 10/13/2023 9:40 AM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - 1st Floor
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes Accessible Minutes Accessible Minutes Meeting Extra2: Meeting Transcripts Meeting Transcripts  
Meeting video:  
Attachments: Full Packet
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsAudio/Video
23-1160 13a. MinutesApproval of MTC Planning Committee Minutes of the September 8, 2023 Meeting   Action details Not available
23-1180 13b. ReportPlan Bay Area 2050: 2023 Annual Progress Update   Action details Not available
23-1161 16a. MinutesApproval of ABAG Administrative Committee Summary Minutes of the September 8, 2023 Meeting   Action details Not available
23-1181 16b. ReportPlan Bay Area 2050: 2023 Annual Progress Update   Action details Not available
23-1235 16c. ReportAdoption of Election Calendar for the Election of President and Vice President; Ratification of Appointments to the Canvassing Committee   Action details Not available
23-1236 16d. ReportAuthorization to negotiate and enter into Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) contracts for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $91,591,970 to provide services for BayREN, including administration, marketing, implementation, and incentives with the following nine (9) member agencies in the amount following each agency Energy Council, on behalf of Alameda County jurisdictions, $38,410,603; County of Contra Costa, $1,235,996; County of Marin, $1,121,441; County of Napa, $1,056,770; City and County of San Francisco, $35,859,790; County of San Mateo, $1,527,754; County of Santa Clara, $1,727,358; County of Solano, $1,978,618; and, Regional Climate Protection Authority, on behalf of Sonoma County jurisdictions, $8,673,640.   Action details Not available
23-1237 16e. ReportAuthorization to negotiate and enter into Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) contract amendments for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $12,335,000 to provide services for BayREN including administration, marketing, implementation, incentives, and regulatory support with the following eight (8) third-party consultants in the amount following each consultant: CLEAResult Consulting, Inc., $3,250,000; Collective Strategies Consulting LLC, $150,000; Frontier Energy, Inc., $25,000; Law Offices of Elizabeth Kelly, $200,000; M. Cubed, $100,000; Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, $8,040,000; The Energy Coalition, $250,000; The Regents of the University of California, $120,000.   Action details Not available
23-1238 16f. ReportAdoption of ABAG Resolution No. 14-2023, which authorizes the submittal of a financial assistance application to the State Water Resources Control Board for State Revolving Fund (SRF) funding for Clean Water on behalf of the San Francisco Estuary Partnership for up to $1 million for continued development of the State of the Estuary Platform and, if awarded, authorization to negotiate and enter into an agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board and any amendments thereto necessary to receive the financial assistance from the State Water Resources Control Board.   Action details Not available
23-1239 16g. ReportAuthorization to negotiate and enter into Individual Funding Agreements as part of the Proposition 1 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program funded by the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR), with the following Local Project Sponsors (LPSs) in the following amounts: City of San Jose - ($4,980,000); Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District ($1,500,000); Contra Costa Resource Conservation District ($1,595,650); Daily Acts Organization ($1,500,000); Marin Municipal Water District ($6,408,000); San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority ($3,799,087); San Mateo Resource Conservation District ($5,429,803); Valley Water ($3,845,229); Zone 7 Water Agency ($827,478); Zone 7 Water Agency ($130,000); Roseview Heights Mutual Water Company ($300,000), and City of Burlingame ($1,009,232).   Action details Not available
23-1240 16h. ReportAuthorization to negotiate and execute an amendment in an amount not to exceed $200,000 with Solano Transportation Authority for construction of a portion of the Bay Trail for a total contract amount not to exceed $600,000.   Action details Not available
23-1241 16i. ReportOverview of the Local Expenditure Planning process required for the 80% of funding administered by Bay Area counties and direct-allocation cities from the anticipated 2024 Regional Housing Bond, and how the Bay Area Housing Finance Authority (BAHFA) is supporting jurisdictions throughout this process.   Action details Not available
23-1242 16j. ReportAuthorization to negotiate and execute a Cooperative Agreement between Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)/San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) and the City of Palo Alto for the construction and delivery of the Palo Alto Horizontal Levee Project.   Action details Not available
23-1305 16k. ReportRatification of Appointment to Committee(s)   Action details Not available
23-1188 17a. ResolutionMTC Resolution No. 4530, Revised - Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Policy Revision and Discussion on Compliance Amendment to MTC Resolution No. 4530 to clarify the application of the TOC Policy to allocations of capital funding to transit extension projects and continued discussion about defining expectations for "compliance."adoptedPass Action details Media Media