File #: 23-1239    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Report Status: Informational
File created: 9/26/2023 In control: Joint MTC Planning Committee with the ABAG Administrative Committee
On agenda: 10/13/2023 Final action:
Title: Authorization to negotiate and enter into Individual Funding Agreements as part of the Proposition 1 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program funded by the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR), with the following Local Project Sponsors (LPSs) in the following amounts: City of San Jose - ($4,980,000); Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District ($1,500,000); Contra Costa Resource Conservation District ($1,595,650); Daily Acts Organization ($1,500,000); Marin Municipal Water District ($6,408,000); San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority ($3,799,087); San Mateo Resource Conservation District ($5,429,803); Valley Water ($3,845,229); Zone 7 Water Agency ($827,478); Zone 7 Water Agency ($130,000); Roseview Heights Mutual Water Company ($300,000), and City of Burlingame ($1,009,232).
Attachments: 1. 6gi_23-1239_Summary_Sheet_SFEP_IRWM_P1R2.pdf, 2. 6gii_23-1239_Attachment_Summary_Approval_SFEP_IRWM_P1R2.pdf
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Authorization to negotiate and enter into Individual Funding Agreements as part of the Proposition 1 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Grant Program funded by the State of California Department of Water Resources (DWR), with the following Local Project Sponsors (LPSs) in the following amounts: City of San Jose - ($4,980,000); Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District ($1,500,000); Contra Costa Resource Conservation District ($1,595,650); Daily Acts Organization ($1,500,000); Marin Municipal Water District ($6,408,000); San Francisquito Creek Joint Powers Authority ($3,799,087); San Mateo Resource Conservation District ($5,429,803); Valley Water ($3,845,229); Zone 7 Water Agency ($827,478); Zone 7 Water Agency ($130,000); Roseview Heights Mutual Water Company ($300,000), and City of Burlingame ($1,009,232).






Caitlin Sweeney



Recommended Action:


ABAG Administrative Committee Approval


