File #: 23-1237    Version: 1 Name:
Type: Report Status: Informational
File created: 9/26/2023 In control: ABAG Executive Board
On agenda: 10/13/2023 Final action:
Title: Authorization to negotiate and enter into Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) contract amendments for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $12,335,000 to provide services for BayREN including administration, marketing, implementation, incentives, and regulatory support with the following eight (8) third-party consultants in the amount following each consultant: CLEAResult Consulting, Inc., $3,250,000; Collective Strategies Consulting LLC, $150,000; Frontier Energy, Inc., $25,000; Law Offices of Elizabeth Kelly, $200,000; M. Cubed, $100,000; Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, $8,040,000; The Energy Coalition, $250,000; The Regents of the University of California, $120,000.
Attachments: 1. 6ei_23-1237_Summary_Sheet_BayREN_Third_Party_Consultant_Contracts.pdf, 2. 6eii_Attachments_BayREN_Summary_Approvals_Third_Part_Consultant_Contracts_Combined.pdf
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Authorization to negotiate and enter into Bay Area Regional Energy Network (BayREN) contract amendments for a cumulative total amount not to exceed $12,335,000 to provide services for BayREN including administration, marketing, implementation, incentives, and regulatory support with the following eight (8) third-party consultants in the amount following each consultant: CLEAResult Consulting, Inc., $3,250,000; Collective Strategies Consulting LLC, $150,000; Frontier Energy, Inc., $25,000; Law Offices of Elizabeth Kelly, $200,000; M. Cubed, $100,000; Rising Sun Center for Opportunity, $8,040,000; The Energy Coalition, $250,000; The Regents of the University of California, $120,000.






Jane Elias



Recommended Action:


ABAG Administrative Committee Approval


